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Support the people of Ukraine in the fight for freedom!

Entrepreneurs are used to taking action to achieve their goals.

Today, our common goal is to help those who are fighting
for peace and freedom of all of us.

Fund-raised till now

11'251'990,83 €

Donate so that the people of Ukraine at war can receive the necessary help.

Ziedo Ukrainas Jūras spēkiem!

_Uznemeji mieram_ un  Juras speki uzsak zie dojumu kampaņu Ukrainas Jūras spēkiem.jpeg

Fonds “Uzņēmēji mieram” un NBS Jūras spēki sadarbībā ar Liepājas pašvaldību aicina Latvijas uzņēmumus un ikvienu Ukrainas atbalstītāju piedalīties ziedojumu kampaņā “Ziedo Ukrainas Jūras spēkiem”, lai sagādātu tehniku un nepieciešamo aprīkojumu 300 000 EUR apmērā Ukrainas Jūras spēku vienībām.

Kampaņas ietvaros plānots par piesaistītajiem ziedojumiem iegādāties pretdronu sistēmas, dronus un citu nepieciešamo tehniku, kā arī organizēt nometni Ukrainas Jūras spēku karavīru bērniem Liepājā 2024. gada vasarā.

Ukrainas Jūras spēku ziedojumu konts:

How can you support the people of Ukraine?

With money

Big or small donation – all the support matters

Entrepreneurs for Peace Fonds


No. registration: 40008315882

Donation description: Donation

With products

No matter what it is,

it will be useful!

Contact us:

A company that wants to donate financial/products donation creates 3 documents with Fonds Entrepreneurs for Peace:

1. PN act on the list of goods to be handed over (these documents can be copied or downloaded and completed)

2. Invoice / Invoice for goods delivered, in company standard form with 100% discount and ZERO 0.00 EUR
3. Agreement with Fonds Entrepreneurs for Peace on Donation Transfer:


Both parties electronically sign the Agreement and the PN act, must be sent to:

A company wishing to donate in cash will complete and sign a donation agreement.

Entrepreneurs for Peace Fonds


No. registration: 40008315882

Donation description: Donation

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Ho to help

How will the people of Ukraine receive our support?

We have established close cooperation with 
Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia, Embassy of Ukraine in Latvia, as well as with Latvian non-governmental and international humanitarian aid organizations, to turn donations of entrepreneurs from Latvia: 


Into immediate and humanitarian aid to the people involved in military actions, to the army and government of Ukraine.


Aid, for which is currently needed so much in Ukraine. Medicines, medical and hygiene items such as bandages, medicines, bandages, blankets, food for adults and children, fuel – these are the essential things today. We will follow up and adjust shipments if needs change in the war zone and in the lives of refugees.


Our team organizes the preparation and shipment of cargos to Ukraine.

Support the lives of those who fight for freedom!

Regardless of the size of the company and the amount of the donation, every support is very important now, so let’s not be  indifferent and let’s donate already today!

Report on the accomplished:

for donations received to our temporary legal entity Riga Tech Girls

for donations received to our official Entrepreneurs for Peace Foundation

Status report for donations in 2023
Expenditure reports 2024 

Entrepreneurs who already support our initiative:

DELFINGROUP   .ECO BALTIA VIDE.   EAZYBI   BALCIA INSURANCE SE   ELEVING VEHICLE FINANCE   AS VIRŠI-A    MN HOLDING   LOKALISE, INC.   Mintos Marketplace   LATVIJAS ZAĻAIS PUNKTS   .REF MINERALS.   .REF MINERALS.   .PET BALTIJA.   ATEA GLOBAL SERVICES   ELEVING   CONSUMER FINANCE   LABDARĪBAS FONDS SOFI NODIBINĀJUMS   TESTDEVLAB   .MADARA COSMETICS.   OPTIBET   STIGA RM   MAPON   DRAUGIEM   DESKTIME   .Industry Service Partner.   BALTIC REST. LATVIA   ADVERTS   LONGO GROUP   DS FACTORY   FLEBOMEDIKA   TILDE   PERUZA   SĀRMI 4    .NORDIC PLAST.   MAK IT    TRANSPORENT   GASO   NORDIGEN SOLUTIONS   LINSTOW BALTIC    ELKO GRUPA   Twino   RIVERSIDE PROPERTIES   NORDE   IZDEVNIECĪBA RĪGAS VIĻŅI   NUTRAMEG   ELVA BALTIC   SILS, DĀRZA UN MEŽA TEH.C   HACKMOTION   BODYBALT   OLYBET LATVIA   AUTOFAVORITS   GIVEN LATVIA   AUTONAMS   EAOK TALLINNA ISSANDA MUUTMISE PEAKIRIKU KOGUDUS   MERCO LINKS   GRENARDI   DEEP WHITE   EXCELLENT LATVIA   LPUA   DAIĻRADE KOKS   KOMERCIZGLĪTĪBAS CENTRS   BALTDOMUS   PIESAULE ZS   CB TRANS   Catchbox   FRĪDA   Saturn Brands   EKO RECYCLING   H 220   I.L. ADVISORY   Sorainen   IBSC   SVAIGI   INFOTRUST   PULKSTEŅA EZERS   RAKŠI   BIBUS BALTICS   .OAKLAND LV.   SAPNU CIEMATS   MOVINGSCREENS   DUO AG   Dobeles Dzirnavnieks   Ķelmēnu maizīte   Salmoo   Gemoss   Visma   SDK   Stokker   Tērvetes alus   LMT Retail & Logistics   Latvijas Mobilais Telefons   Sensumgrupa   Alveda   VitaCare International   Felici (Graci Musli)   Siguldas maiznieks    DPD Latvija   Dr.Butkēvičas zobārstniecības prakse   Riga Tech Girls   Arbora medical   CreamFinance   Mikrotikls   Panic Studio   McCANN Riga   Tonus Elast   AJ POWER GAS   Brasa Defence Systems   Canon   ECO Baltia   ECO Baltia    PILSĒTAS LĪNIJAS   Rīgas Viļņi   Cits medijs   Clear Channel   Visual Media   D Screens   Spūļu ģimene    Veselības centrs 4   Repharm   GPC Smārde   DANS G   Karjeru izstrāde   Cēsu alus …and many others!
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