Support the people of Ukraine in the fight for freedom!
Entrepreneurs are used to taking action to achieve their goals.
Today, our common goal is to help those who are fighting
for peace and freedom of all of us.
Fund-raised till now
11'688'964,33 €
Donate so that the people of Ukraine at war can receive the necessary help.
Palīdzi tikt atpakaļ uz kājām!
Katru dienu Ukrainā karavīri gūst kritiskas apakšstilba traumas, tajā skaitā kājnieku mīnu sprādzienu rezultātā. Tādēļ fonds “Uzņēmēji mieram” aicina Latvijas uzņēmumus un ikvienu Ukrainas atbalstītāju piedalīties ziedojumu kampaņā “Palīdzi tikt atpakaļ uz kājām”, lai nosūtītu brīvroku kruķus karā cietušajiem Ukrainas karavīriem.
Atsaucoties neiroķirurgu Jāņa Šlēziņa un Dr. Raimonda Mikijanska aicinājumam, kampaņas ietvaros plānots par piesaistītajiem ziedojumiem iegādāties brīvroku kruķus. Ar to palīdzību iespējams nodrošināt cietušā pacienta spēju pārvietoties, strādāt un piedalīties ikdienas dzīvē uzreiz pēc apakšstilba traumas vai operācijas, tādējādi uzreiz atgūstot zināmu normalitāti. Kopumā kampaņas ietvaros plānots piegādāt 2000 kruķu vienību Ukrainas cietušo karavīru rehabilitācijai.
Ziedojumu konts: LV37HABA0551052837482

How can you support the people of Ukraine?
With money
Big or small donation – all the support matters
Entrepreneurs for Peace Fonds
No. registration: 40008315882
Donation description: Donation
A company that wants to donate financial/products donation creates 3 documents with Fonds Entrepreneurs for Peace:
1. PN act on the list of goods to be handed over (these documents can be copied or downloaded and completed)
2. Invoice / Invoice for goods delivered, in company standard form with 100% discount and ZERO 0.00 EUR
3. Agreement with Fonds Entrepreneurs for Peace on Donation Transfer:
Both parties electronically sign the Agreement and the PN act, must be sent to:
A company wishing to donate in cash will complete and sign a donation agreement.
Entrepreneurs for Peace Fonds
No. registration: 40008315882
Donation description: Donation
How will the people of Ukraine receive our support?
We have established close cooperation with
Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia, Embassy of Ukraine in Latvia, as well as with Latvian non-governmental and international humanitarian aid organizations, to turn donations of entrepreneurs from Latvia:
Into immediate and humanitarian aid to the people involved in military actions, to the army and government of Ukraine.
Aid, for which is currently needed so much in Ukraine. Medicines, medical and hygiene items such as bandages, medicines, bandages, blankets, food for adults and children, fuel – these are the essential things today. We will follow up and adjust shipments if needs change in the war zone and in the lives of refugees.
Our team organizes the preparation and shipment of cargos to Ukraine.
Support the lives of those who fight for freedom!
Regardless of the size of the company and the amount of the donation, every support is very important now, so let’s not be indifferent and let’s donate already today!
Report on the accomplished:
for donations received to our temporary legal entity Riga Tech Girls
for donations received to our official Entrepreneurs for Peace Foundation